Pre Matric Scholarship for Minorities Scheme
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Pre Matric Scholarship for Minorities Scheme

A scholarship scheme by the Ministry of Minority Affairs for students from minority communities studying in class 1 to class 10 in a government or private school in India, including such residential government institutions and eligible private institutions selected and notified by the state government in a transparent manner. Union Territory Administration worried. In addition to the renewal scholarships, a total of thirty (30) lakh scholarships are targeted to be distributed as ‘fresh’ scholarships.

The scholarship will be awarded to those students who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and their parent/guardian’s annual income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lac.

The objective of the scheme is to encourage parents of minority communities to send their school going children to school, reduce their financial burden on school education and sustain their efforts to help their children complete school education Is. This scheme will lay the groundwork for their educational attainment and provide equal opportunity in the competitive employment sector.

Ministry of Minority Affairs

Pre Matric Scholarship for Minorities Scheme


Admission Fee Class 1th to Class 10th Rs. 500/– per annum subject to actual (both hosteller and day scholar)
Tuition Fee Class 6th to Class 10th Rs. 350/- per month subject to actual (both hosteller and day scholar)
Maintenance Allowance Class 1th to Class 5th Rs. 100/– per month for Day Scholar.
Maintenance Allowance Class 6th to Class 10th Rs. 600/– per month for hosteller; Rupee. 100/- per month for Day Scholar.

[Note: (*) stands for 10 months in an academic year]


  • The applicant must be a student between class 1 to 10th.Applicant must be from minority community.
  • The annual income (from all sources) of the applicant’s parents/guardians should be less than or equal to ₹ 1 lakh per annum.
  • The applicant must have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination.
  • The applicant should not be availing any other scholarship by the Govt.
  • The applicant should not be the third sibling in his/her family who has been given this scholarship.



  • If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
  • A student availing any other scholarship out of all the available Central Government Scholarships for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities.
  • If any student is found to be receiving scholarship by giving false details, his/her scholarship will be canceled immediately and the amount of scholarship paid will be recovered by the concerned State/UT Government.
  • A student receiving benefits under this scheme shall not be allowed to receive benefits under any other scheme for the same purpose.
  • Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from one family.
    Application Process

Keep soft copies of important documents ready.

  • Application Process
  • Step 1: Visit And click on “New Registration”.
    Guidelines for registration will appear. Scroll to bottom.
    Read the undertaking carefully. Accept the terms. Click “Continue”.
  • Step 2: A registration form will appear. Fields marked as (* are mandatory)
    Fill the details and click on “Register”.
    Your Application ID and Password will be displayed.
    It will also be sent as SMS to your registered mobile number.
  • Step 3: Visit
    Click on “Login to Apply”. Enter your Application ID and Password.
    Type the captcha and click on “Login”.
    On the next screen, provide the OTP received on your registered mobile number. You will be directed to the password reset screen.
    Create and confirm a new password.
    Click on “Submit”. You will be directed to “Applicant’s Dashboard”.
  • Step 4: On the left pane, click on “Application Form”. Fields marked as * are mandatory. Fill the details and upload the documents.
    You can click “Save as Draft” to complete the application later.
    Otherwise, click on “FINAL SUBMIT” to submit the application.

Required documents


  • Student photo.
  • Verification form by the institution.
  • Income certificate issued by the competent authority of the State/Union Territory Government in respect of the parent/guardian of the student is necessary.
  • Self-attested Community Certificate (if the age of the applicant is more than or equal to 18 years).
  • Community Certificate attested by the parent/guardian.
  • Self attested mark sheet of last qualifying examination.
  • Fee Receipt of ‘Current Course Year’.
  • Bank details of the applicant (account number, IFSC code).
  • Bank details of the parent/guardian. (If the student does not have his/her bank account).
  • Residential/Domicile Certificate.
  • Aadhaar Number (or alternate identification document)
  • “Bonafide Student Certificate” from the school (if the school is located in a State/UT other than the Domicile State/UT)

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