Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form संविदा नौकरी
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Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form

Job Description Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form an advertisement has been issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution, they have brought some information about the job to you, let me tell you that the job is only open to apply offline in which there are some jobs like computer operator LDC office Assistant Multitasking Officer Section Officer

Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form
Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Forms

Genuine and reliable website

Hiring Organization– Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution Department

Title of the Job-Section Officer

Employment Type- Full-Time

Salary For Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form

90000/-INR Approx

Important Dates For Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form-

  • Application Begin: 17/10/
  • Last Date for Apply Online: 04/11/  
  • Last Date Complete Form: 04/11/

Age Limit For Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form-

  • Minimum Age: 18 Years.
  • Maximum Age: 38 Years.

Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form Vacancy Detail

Total: 43 Post

Eligibility For Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form-

Candidates should have passed 10th Class, Graduate with MBA, B.E, B.E, BCA/ Graduate in Sc./ Engineering with PGDCA, Degree in Computer Application or equivalent from a recognized Board/ University/ Institution. More Details Read Notification.

How To Apply Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form-

To apply for the Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form

Step 1 first, you have to click on the button given below,

Step 2 after that, you have to keep your documents with you

Step 3 like your education documents, your identity proof, your address proof, your birth certificate, your caste certificate, or any other, etc

Step 4 it is necessary to have a scan of your photo signature id,

Step 5 before submitting the form, take your complete review once and

Step 6 after applying, also take a print that will be useful for you in the future.

Latest Sarkari Jobs–

6. Age Limit: A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age
of 38 years on the 14th of October i.e., he/she must have been born not earlier than 15
1984 and not later than 14
October 2004. The permissible relaxation in upper age limit for different
categories are as under:
Code number Category Age-relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit
01 SC/ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
Note: The Date of Birth filled by the candidate in the application form must be the same as recorded
in his/her Matriculation Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council of the State or Central
7. Eligibility Condition:
i. The candidate must be a citizen of India.
ii. The candidate must be able to speak Manipuri or any of the tribal dialects of Manipur.
iii. The candidate must be a permanent resident of Manipur, provided that a candidate whose
parent(s) or any of his/her direct lineage are permanent residents of the State, with proper
documentary proof like enrolment in the electoral roll and birth certificate will also be
8. Submission of Application Form: The willing and eligible candidates should get their names
sponsored by the Employment Exchange concerned on or before 28th October . Thereafter, the
sponsored candidates should submit the duly filed-in application form along with the required self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets on or before 4
November at the office of the
Directorate of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Manipur at Sangaiprou, Imphal West.
9. Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay the application fee @ Rs. 500/- for UR/OBC and @ Rs.
250/-for SC/ST respectively at the time of submission of forms. Candidates applying for more than one
post will have to pay the prescribed cost X no. of posts applied at the time of form submission.
10. General instructions:
a. Application fee is non-refundable and not transferable.
b. ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ from the present employer will be required if candidates are
serving in any Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous Body.
c. Application forms not accompanied by a prescribed fee or not submitted in the prescribed
format or incomplete in any respect will not be entertained.
d. Canvassing for the posts, in any form will be ground for disqualification.

Imphal, the 14
No. 1/CB/-DCAF&PD (1): In pursuance of letter No. PDS-101/2/-CAFANDPDCAF&PD-Part(1) dated 14.10. of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public
Distribution, Government of Manipur, applications are invited from intending and eligible candidates
for engagement to the following posts in this Directorate of CAF&PD, on a contract basis for a period
of 1 (one) year through sponsorship of the Employment Exchange concerned.

FAQ for This Post

Q1. How to apply for Section Officer Sarkari Result Offline Form ?

Answer: Go to the official website of CAFPD and then find the recruitment tab and apply for that job. For a direct link, visit site then search for the latest jobs then click on the post and then go to the bottom of the post and check to apply online option and then click on that Fill out the form and apply.

Q2. What is the salary for CAFPD Recruitment per month?

Ans: The Salary of the post recruitment is 90,000 INR per month Approx.

Q3. How can I join CAFPD Recruitment?

Ans: Yes, You Can Just Go to the site then search for the latest jobs after that click on the post and then go to the bottom of the post and check the online application option and then click on that after that fill out the form and apply.

 how did you feel after reading the post, if you have any questions, then you can ask them in the comments.

Ramnarayan Sharma, our lead educational news author, holds a Master's degree in Education from Delhi University. With over 10 years of experience in educational journalism, Ramnarayan has a deep understanding of the Indian education system. His straightforward writing style and commitment to accuracy make our news articles reliable and easy to understand.